The Environment
TPISSS provides its students with a world class education by nurturing self-confidence, self-discipline, critical thinking and creativity.
The relationship between Pinewood students and their teachers is characterized by the mutual respect and camaraderie of all community members. This results in a positive environment that enables maximum development of personal potential. 
Inside the classroom, the atmosphere is calm and minimal distractions allow students to focus on learning. They are engaged and energized by personal productivity, close interaction with the teacher, and a brisk but comfortable pace. Teachers ensure equal student participation during class, requiring all to remain alert and attentive. Consistent individual assessment provides opportunities for positive reinforcement as well as suggestions designed to enhance skills. 
Outside of the classroom, students flourish among their peers. Appropriate dress, uplifting language, and demonstration of healthy social habits combine to provide a wholesome atmosphere. Kindness, integrity, wisdom, and an appreciation for education are evident at each campus. 
The Students 
Our pedagogy is designed for academically talented students, but those who possess a tenacious work ethic can also succeed. Pinewood students embrace individual responsibility, have a keen desire to learn and as a community, they support one another in all endeavors. The students value the internal virtues and talents of their peers and develop deep friendships that continue beyond their years at Pinewood. 
The Faculty 
Pinewood carefully selects instructors who are well educated in their specific field and who possess the personal dynamics vital to fine teaching. Departmentalization (wherein a teacher instructs in one or two subject areas) is a major strength and distinction at the elementary and high school level. Among the advantages of departmentalization are the maximization of teacher preparation time, a rich array of teaching styles, and professional enthusiasm for each subject area. 
At Pinewood, teachers lead, inspire, assess, enlighten, and challenge their students. The faculty encourages student participation in a broad array of extra-curricular activities from sports to student government, the arts, and community service. 
The Board of Directors 
The members of Pinewood's Board of Directors have given a lifetime of dedication to the school. They are committed to the integrity of the past, the stability of the present, and the viability of the future. 
The core values and responsibilities of the Board are as follows: 
to offer a strong, rich curriculum that will 
- prepare students to succeed at fine universities, colleges, and in their chosen profession. 
- build a foundation of values, attitudes, knowledge, and habits that lead to personal potential and  
- to provide an atmosphere of dignity, character, wholesomeness, and respect. 
- to maintain a strong financial base (large financial contributions and sound financial leadership from past and present board members enable Pinewood - to maintain a reasonable tuition without the demands of excessive fundraising).